L3Harris is constantly looking to hire various types of engineers, including systems engineers and engineering managers. L3Harris in Utah primarily focuses on Communication Systems. The Salt Lake City L3Harris location is near SLC airport, but they have 15 locations throughout the state [2] with over 3,000 employees and over 1,000 engineers and scientists. US citizenship is required for most engineering roles.

L3Harris focuses on innovation. Much of their innovation involves work in aerospace and the defense industry.  In 2023, L3Harris reported approximately 20 billion dollars with 76% of sales being to governments (U.S. and other governments). They have four major business segments: Space and Airborne Systems, Integrated Mission Systems, Communication Systems and Aerojet RocketDyne. All segments hire engineers.

L3Harris typically offers competitive salaries, which allows them to attract top talent.

The links in this page contain information to help you increase your chances at landing a job with L3Harris. The SIME faculty encourages Uof U engineering students, and particularly, students from our SIME program to apply for a position at L3Harris.


[1] https://www.annualreports.com/HostedData/AnnualReports/PDF/NYSE_LHX_2023.pdf (accessed Nov 14, 2024)

[2] https://www.l3harris.com/sites/default/files/2020-10/L3Harris-Utah-factsheet.pdf (accessed Nov 14, 2024)