Advising Prerequisite Information

This page provides advising information about the MEM degree. It should be noted that the U recently created a SIME prefix for Systems, Industrial and Management Engineering. During a transition period, courses are listed with both the ME EN and SIME prefixes. The courses are identical in content, learning, grading and ability to satisfy the MEM degree requirements.

Transfer Coursework

At most 6 hours of courses from another institution can be transferred in to fulfill the requirements. The courses transferred cannot be used as credit to complete a degree at the other institution. These classes will most likely be transferred as either engineering electives or electives. The determination will be made by the Program Director and formalized on the Program of Study.

Program of Study

The Program of Study is the listing of courses that the student will take to earn their MSSE. This form should be completed prior to completing 15 hours or the student may end up needing to take more than 30 hours to complete the MSSE degree requirements. More information on the Program of Study is in the MEM Curriculum page. Once the Program of Study is completed and approved, that becomes the degree requirements for that particular student. The student should follow their Program of Study, unless a Change of Program of Study form has been completed.


The majority of the ME EN or SIME courses supporting the MEM degree have the generic prerequisites of admission to the MEM, which is

  • One year of calculus
  • One semester of statistics
  • It is highly encouraged that students have had at least one computer programming course.

If a student is taking courses from a different department, then the student should check the prerequisite information for that class to make sure that the student has the necessary background to succeed.

Mastering the Prerequisite Material

Many students in the MEM program have not taken a college course in years. It is expected that much of the prerequisite knowledge existed, but the majority of students have forgotten or are rusty in their knowledge.

The following advising notes provide classes where students can gain sufficient mastery of the prerequisite material for the MEM. These graduate classes can also be used to fulfill the MEM core course requirements.

  • Individuals meeting the statistics requirement but feeling weak in their statistical knowledge should take either SIME 6060 (ME EN 6183) or SIME 6000 (ME EN 6185) early in their coursework.
  • Individuals that have no computer coding experience or feel weak in this area should take SIME 6000 (ME EN 6185) early in their coursework.
  • Any relevant calculus topics will be covered, when necessary, in their respective courses.

Course Section Numbers

The U uses standard section numbers for enrollment.  These sections differ by on-campus and online, and also whether or not a student is enrolled in a graduate program or is a nonmatriculated student.  While registering for courses, online students should not use the U's scheduler tools.  Online courses are offered without times, and these courses may never show in the scheduling tools.  Online students should search for the desired course name/number and make sure that they enroll in the correct section.

  • On-campus students wishing to attend the lectures of a course should enroll in the 001-010 sections
  • On-campus students wishing to enroll in a course that is offered online should enroll in the 090 sections (never have an in class lecture or activity).  Many on-campus courses do not offer these sections.  There is also no guarantee that a student could earn a degree using only 090 sections.  Furthermore, 090 sections are not scheduled with the same regularity as the other sections on this list.  See the current semester's on-campus schedule for existing 090 sections.
  • Online students admitted to an online degree program or as a nonmatriculated student (Bachelors, Masters, or Ph.D.) should enroll in the 290 sections of courses.
  • If your company has created a contract for online education, then the section is 030-039.


The MEM has 12 hours of general electives (6 must be in the Price College of Engineering). As such, many students also earn a graduate certificate along with their MEM degree. Common graduate certificates include: Systems Engineering, Data Science, and Engineering Entrepreneurship. Students seeking a certificate should carefully choose their electives so they earn the certificate without taking more than 30 hours.

Typical Part-time or Online Schedules for the MEM

There are no prerequisites, students can start any semester. Many of the core requirements require that the student take one course from a list of three or four. Thus, there are a variety of ways to complete the core requirements. The following schedules are samples, but there are numerous other paths to graduation.

The Program of Study, which must be approved, becomes that student's required courses for the MEM degree. See MEM curriculum page for more details about the Program of Study.

Part time/Online is assuming two courses every fall and spring and one class every summer. If a student only wishes to take one class each semester, then they should take the top class in the relevant semester.

Fall Start

Full timePart time/Online
FallSIME 6500SIME 6500
SIME 6060SIME 6000
SIME 6400
SpringSIME 6530ME EN 6530
SIME 6050Eng Elective
Eng Elective
SummerSIME 6560SIME 6560
FallEng ElectiveSIME 6400
ElectiveEng Elective
Culminating Experience
SummerSIME 6420
Culminating Experience

Spring Start

Full TimePart time/Online
SpringSIME 6530SIME 6530
SIME 6050SIME 6050
Eng Elective
SummerSIME 6560SIME 6560
FallSIME 6500SIME 6500
SIME 6060SIME 6400
SIME 6400
SpringEng ElectiveElective
ElectiveEng Elective
Culminating Experience
FallSIME 6060
Eng Elective
Culminating Experience

Summer Start

Full timePart time/Online
SummerSIME 6560SIME 6560
SIME 6420
FallSIME 6500SIME 6500
SIME 6400SIME 6000
Eng Elective
SpringSIME 6530SIME 6530
SIME 6050Eng Elective
Eng Elective
Culminating Experience
FallSIME 6060
SIME 6400
SpringEng Elective
Culminating Experience