Systems, Industrial and Management Engineering is a broad field that uses content from a variety of disciplines. This page provides information on a variety of systems related courses offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.  Many SIME classes are cross listed with Mechanical Engineering courses.  Taking either the SIME or ME EN version provides credit toward a SIME degree or certificate. Various other SIME courses exist in different departments at the U, see those departmental websites for more information.

The majority of the SIME classes are offered at the 5xxx/6xxxx level. Undergraduates enroll in the 5xxx version, while graduate students enroll in 6xxx.  Many SIME courses have 4 sections.  Not all sections are available to all students.  Selecting the correct section is important.  If you cannot find the desired class/section, please email the MSSE or MEM Director.

On-campus students should plan on taking classes in person with classroom attendance (sections 001-010). Occasionally, an on-campus course may be offered entirely online through section 090, and the student watches prerecorded lectures. This type of course is still considered on-campus for tuition purposes, even though classroom attendance is never required.  On-campus online sections 090 are not guaranteed to be offered with sufficient consitency as a path toward graduation.  The on-campus 001-010 sections do have offerings that provide timely graduation.  Students interested in the 090 sections should check the existing course schedules for availability.  As a warning, international students may violate the requirements of their visa by enrolling in 090 sections. International students are encouraged to understand the laws associated with their visas prior to enrolling in a 090 section.

Students not attending lectures and desiring to watch prerecorded lectures to complete their degree requirements should apply as an online student. Online students watch prerecorded lectures without any specific time to meet for the lecture content (asynchronous).   Online students that are not matriculated into a graduate program can only enroll in the online 031 sections.  Online students admitted to a graduate program at the U should enroll in 290 sections.

The SIME faculty want students to be successful in both classes and life.  By providing prerequisites, the syllabus, sample lectures, and other material, interested students can quickly understand whether or not they will be able to be successful in the class and also gain useful skills for their life and career.  Please take the time to examine the course information, as it could save you substantial time and money.

Course Listings and Anticipated Offerings

SIME 5000-6000 (ME EN 5185-6185) Analytics for Systems Management. Typically offered on-campus and online every fall.

SIME 5050-6050 (ME EN 5184-6184) Operations Research for Systems. Typically offered on-campus and online every spring.

SIME 5060-6060 (ME EN 5183-6183) Discrete Event Systems Simulation. Typically offered on-campus and online every fall. Cross listed with MB EN 5520-6520 which is offered on-campus every spring semester.

SIME 5400-6400 (ME EN 5160-6160) Fundamentals of Systems Engineering. Typically offered on-campus and online every fall.

SIME 5410-6410 (ME EN 5170-6170) Systems Engineering and Integration. Typically offered on-campus and online every spring.

SIME 5430-6430 (ME EN 5165-6165) Requirements Engineering and Management. Typically offered on-campus and online every spring.

SIME 5450-6450 (ME EN 5182-6182) Design of Production and Service Systems. Typically offered on-campus and online every summer.

SIME 5460-6460 (ME EN 5166-6166) Model-Based Systems Engineering. Typically offered on-campus every fall (Online starting Fall 25).

SIME 6500 (ME EN 6190) Management and Leadership for Engineers. Typically offered on-campus every fall (Online starting Fall 25).

SIME 6530 (ME EN 6180) Project Management for Engineers. Typically offered on-campus and online every spring.

SIME 5560-6560 (ME EN 5186-6186) Engineering Economic Analysis. Typically offered on-campus and online every summer.

SIME 5800-6800 Aerospace Systems and Ethics.  Typically offered on-campus every fall.

SIME 5960-6960 Special Topics: Systems Architecture. Typically offered on-campus and online every spring.

Mechanical Engineering Courses with a plan to be cross listed or become SIME courses.

ME EN 5035 - 6035 Design of Experiments. Typically offered on-campus every spring (Online starting Spring 26) .

ME EN 5100 - 6100 Ergonomics. Typically offered on-campus every fall (Online starting Fall 25) .

ME EN 5110 -6110 Introduction to Industrial Safety.  Typically offered on-campus every spring in even years (Online starting Spring 26) .

ME EN 5130 - 6130 Design Implications for Human-Machine Systems. Typically offered on-campus every fall in odd years.

ME EN 5150 - 6150 Introduction to Product Safety and Engineering Ethics. Typically offered on-campus every fall (Online starting Fall 26).

ME EN 5960-6960 Special Topics: Space Missions. Offered on-campus Fall 24. Email the director for information.

ME EN 7110 System Safety. Typically offered on-campus every spring in odd years.

Other Departments Offering Courses Supporting SIME Knowledge

The MSSE and MEM both have 12 hours of engineering or general electives.  Students should use this freedom to improve their knowledge for their desired career/personal goals.  Many students will select additional SIME or Mechanical Engineering.  However, many departments offer courses are also very beneficial.  Students are encouraged to do some searching to obtain their ideal collection of courses for their goals.  The following departments are typically where students apply credit for these degrees.

Kahlert School of Computing (potential online offerings)

Price College of Engineering (Engineering Entrepreneurship Certificates)

Civil Engineering (potential online offerings)

Electrical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Material Science and Engineering

Eccles School of Business  (potential online offerings)

Law School (potential online offerings)
